Author: M.S Udayamurthy
Genre: Self Help, Thoughts
Rating: 4/5
Verdict: An inspirational book for every day life and dealing with its challenges.
Author: M.S Udayamurthy
Genre: Self Help, Thoughts
Rating: 4/5
Verdict: An inspirational book for every day life and dealing with its challenges.
Author: Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia
Genre: Self-Help, Japan, Health, Happiness
Rating: 4/5
Verdict: Do me a favor and read this. A very uplifting and calming book with simple language.
The book talks about the world's centenarians and in particular about the lifestyle and habits of the people of Okinawa - one of the blue zones, where people live the longest and the healthiest. Ikigai is about finding your purpose in life, what makes you get out of bed everyday. It is different for different people but the underlying idea is how to be content and happy with yourself and live everyday with meaning and passion. Although I completed this book in 2 days, I would recommend reading it slowly, savoring every line and idea, ruminate over it and take notes along the way. I loved reading about the inhabitants of Okinawa and their way of life. So much of their habits and life style resonated with me because I spent my entire childhood in a very closely knit colony of self sufficient people. My parents and everyone in the colony had a vegetable garden where they grew and got their produce from, a cooperative society for loans, discounted prices on things, an organizing committee for conducting various events and celebrations. Everyone knew each other and formed very special bonds and friendships which I recall fondly even now. This is exactly what the people of Okinawa live and I now long to visit the island and see them! I'm sure someday I will!
Some reminders I noted down:
- Stay active, never retire
- Don't fill your stomach to the full, eat only until you are 80% full
- Surround yourself with friends and nurture and cherish relationships
- Get in shape for your next birthday
- Fall seven times, but get up the 8th time.
- Slow down a little
- Do not multitask. Focus on a single thing at once.
Like I said, take your time to read this book, it will give you a warm fuzzy feeling when you start which will stay that way until you finish the book and every single time after that when you recall what you read!
A refreshingly simple read! I loved it.
Author: Phil Knight
Genre: Autobiography, Memoir, Sports
Rating: 2/5
Verdict: It was an interesting book, but gave me the "take the risk if you have rich parents backing you up" vibe, didn't get a feel for any real leadership lessons.
The book follow's Phil Knight's life from his early 20's after graduating from Stanford into his life starting a business. Some of the incidents where he talks about how he persuasive he was when he went to Japan to initiate his business idea and further overcame the betrayal from the Tigers partnership demonstrates grit and courage. But that was it for me. The latter parts of the book was all about Phil bragging and proudly saying he never encouraged or supported his employees even during times of distress and it felt like he was watching out for his own fame and covering up his base all the time without giving his employees any credit. Nor did he spend any time with his sons and even goes to the extent of saying he was disappointed that they didnt turn out to be athletes like him. The part where he describes about his older son's death was very shallow and insincere which was shocking to me. He didn't even talk about his son in even as much about the famous sports personalities who called him with condolence messages.
Overall, I felt that much of Nike's success was more because of Bowerman and his innovation than Phil himself. In fact, I did love Nike's early employees so much more than Phil himself. This book does not have a lot to learn from, its probably best listened to in a concise version as a podcast.
Author: Douglas Adams
Genre: Science fiction, Humor, classics
Rating: 3/5
Verdict: It's not you, It's me kind of a book. The satire and dry humor was a bit much for me but still liked it overall.
Author: Michelle Obama
Genre: Autobiography, Memoir
Rating: 4/5
Verdict: As always, Michelle has said it all beautifully! As always, this will be my pick-me-up for inspiration, hope and just plain warmth!
All I can say is Wow! Just like with Becoming, Michelle Obama has written it all with grace and glory. She has always been an inspiration and a role model for me. Throughout the entire book, it made me feel like I was sitting with her and listening to her talk about her life and its episodes. It felt so personal to listen to her stories in her own voice. Many times during the book, I wanted to walk up to her and say - "Oh God, that's exactly how I thought about it too". I also found it so comforting that she is just like the rest of us with our own uncertainties, questions, doubts, fears and anxieties when it comes to parenting. How she dealt with it and waded through being a woman of color and many other biases in her life are life lessons for any of us trying to survive out there. There are some hilarious anecdotes and situations which made me chuckle, especially the one with her mother. By the end of it, I yearned to meet her mother some day as much as I yearn to meet her.
This book is a collection of stories from Michelle's life put in a very refreshing way, there are strong messages at the end of every chapter. The chapters on partnering well and friendships stood out to me. Reading about her relationship with Barack Obama and their early days together in Hawaii made me go all "awwww", it felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me on a chilly day. The chapter on friendships was equally endearing - The way she thinks about it are exactly my thoughts too when it comes to maintaining relationships and rejuvenating in the company of good friends.
I can keep writing about this one, but I'll stop here. Oh, I almost forgot to mention - there is only very little mention about Barack Obama and his work which was very different from Becoming where she talked a lot about it and I think this is precisely what made it very refreshing!
Some of my favorite quotes from the book:
- "Great is the enemy of good"
- Read books by people whose perspective is different from yours, listen to voices you haven’t heard before, look for narratives that are new to you. In them and with them, you might end up finding more room for yourself.”
- Any time your circumstances start to feel all-consuming, I suggest you try going in the other direction - toward the small. Celebrate small victories.
It uplifts me, It gives me hope and reminds me how to live a life with its core values and integrity intact.
Genre: NonFiction, SelfHelp, Productivity, Personal Development
Rating: 3.5/5
Verdict: Loved the case studies used as examples throughout the book, towards the end there was a lot of organizational use cases which was not too relevant.
The author has used a lot of case studies to put across his points and perspective - The Picadilly escalator fire incident, Alcoa to name a few. it was very interesting to read about these incidents and draw a few pearls of wisdom about habit formations from these case studies. The fundamental ideas about what it takes to form habits and methods to employ to hold on to them are the same across both the book.
The first half was very fascinating but the second half of the book got a bit irrelevant and boring where the author pretty much repeated the same points over and over.
Author: James Clear
Genre: NonFiction, SelfHelp, Productivity, Personal Development
Rating: 4/5
Verdict: Very engaging and derives from simple everyday examples, which makes it very convincing to read and follow.