Sunday, January 15, 2023

Atomic habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Author: James Clear

Genre: NonFiction, SelfHelp, Productivity, Personal Development

Rating: 4/5

Verdict: Very engaging and derives from simple everyday examples, which makes it very convincing to read and follow.

This book was on my list for 2022, but I couldn't get to reading it last year. Many times in the past, I have taken several new year resolutions only to break them a month later, like many of us do. This year, I really wanted to make a change in how I develop habits like working out, eating healthy, not procrastinating so that it becomes second nature and I am glad I chose this book. The author goes into stating almost right away that habits are an identity change. How we think of ourselves is a key change in making habits last and it brought an "Aha!" moment for me. The main idea of the book is that you can start small and build lasting habits. I also realized that many of my good habits are exactly how the author suggests doing them and is something I already do without realizing - like folding the blankets on the couch right away after relaxing in the evening or change your mindset to saying "I get to cook dinner for my family" instead of "I have to cook dinner for my family". I also liked the fact that the book is not philosophical like many other self help books but there are so many common scenarios we encounter everyday in every chapter of the book and how to deal with them. It makes the reader connect so easily and keeps it intriguing. 

My main takeaways from the book:
- Exponential progress is hard to see, initially
- Patience is essential
- Focus on systems more than goals
- Never miss twice

I think this book can be life changing if one is willing to apply these concepts and be patient until the results start showing up. I am glad I read this book and I'm sure I will refer to it when I need a reinforcement. 

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