Genre: NonFiction, SelfHelp, Productivity, Personal Development
Rating: 3.5/5
Verdict: Loved the case studies used as examples throughout the book, towards the end there was a lot of organizational use cases which was not too relevant.
Since I loved Atomic habits so much, I picked this up to piggyback on that when my mind was already in that zone and I wanted to make the most of it. I generally like to bunch up reads on the same genre more so on the same topic. The author does a good job of answering key questions on forming habits and pursuing things relentlessly. I loved the concept of keystone habit formations - where one habit has a ripple effect on many other events/things in life. To me, it is personally proven where I have always been an early bird and made it a habit to wake up before sunrise. I strongly believe this has caused a lot of positive effects in many other facets of my life like being productive at work, creativity and so on.
The author has used a lot of case studies to put across his points and perspective - The Picadilly escalator fire incident, Alcoa to name a few. it was very interesting to read about these incidents and draw a few pearls of wisdom about habit formations from these case studies. The fundamental ideas about what it takes to form habits and methods to employ to hold on to them are the same across both the book.
The first half was very fascinating but the second half of the book got a bit irrelevant and boring where the author pretty much repeated the same points over and over.